Riccio (Andrea Briosco)

Past Exhibition: Andrea Riccio

intricately designed bronze oil lamp, with cast figures depicted
Andrea Riccio: Renaissance Master of Bronze
October 15, 2008 to January 19, 2009

The Frick Collection presented the first monographic exhibition dedicated to Andrea Riccio (1470–1532), one of the most creative sculptors of the Renaissance. On view were thirty-one autograph works representing every phase of Riccio’s career, three bronzes believed to be derived from the artist’s lost compositions, and two life-size terracotta sculptures. Andrea Riccio: Renaissance Master of Bronze was shown exclusively at The Frick Collection.

Riccio's Oil Lamp

Title: Riccio's Oil Lamp

Authors: James Fenton and Ian Wardropper

Publisher: The Frick Collection in association with D Giles Limited (2023)

Details: Hardcover, 7 3/4 x 9 1/2 in., 64 pages, 34 color illustrations

ISBN: 9781913875312