Cocktails with a Curator

In 2020–21, the Frick presented a wildly popular video series, Cocktails with a Curator. Conceived as a way for the public to connect with the collection while the museum was closed during the pandemic, the series reached a global audience each week and was recognized as an Honoree at the 2021 Webby Awards. Inspired by the series, the Frick and Rizzoli have published a new book offering a fresh look at the museum’s holdings through the eyes of its curators.


  • cover of book entitled Cocktails with a Curator, grayscale sketch of man in garden

    Cocktails with a Curator

    Based on the critically acclaimed video series of the same name, this volume presents engaging histories of works of art at The Frick Collection paired with creatively inspired drinks. With sixty-five thought-provoking chapters on paintings, sculpture, furniture, and porcelain, Cocktails with a Curator offers a crash course in art history and a delightful introduction to the Frick’s treasures. Each chapter is accompanied by the recipe of a complementary cocktail: Ingres’s portrait of the Comtesse d’Haussonville, for example, is paired with a Jaded Countess (absinthe, vodka, lemon juice, and simple syrup), and Holbein’s painting of Thomas More, who famously clashed with Henry VIII, is combined with a Bloody Mary (named after Henry’s eldest daughter, the last Catholic regnant queen of England). The perfect addition to any art connoisseur’s library, Cocktails with a Curator is a witty and intoxicating title that tickles the mind and the tongue.

    This publication is made possible by Virginia and Randall Barbato.

    Browse Sample Pages


The Curators

Featured Cocktails

  • drawing of hand holding cocktail

    Paired with Constable's White Horse

    Gin and Dubonnet
    1 part London dry gin
    2 parts Dubonnet Rouge
    Squeeze of lemon
    Stirred and strained over 3 ice cubes and lemon wedge

    Unsweetened iced tea
    Cranberry juice
    Served with ice and lemon wedge

    WaTCH Episode

  • male hand holding cocktail glass

    Paired with Chinard's Étienne Vincent de Margnolas

    2 oz. gin
    1/2 oz. brandy-based orange liqueur
    1/2 oz. Dubonnet Rouge

    1/2 oz. orgeat
    3/4 oz. lemon juice
    2 oz. soda water
    Add crushed ice
    Top with Chinotto blood orange soda

    wATCH Episode

Online Coloring

Take a shot at coloring Cocktails with a Curator's signature work of art.


Cocktails with a Curator Series Image: Jean-Siméon Chardin (1699–1779), Still Life with Plums (detail), ca. 1730. Oil on canvas (lined), 17 3/4 x 19 3/4 in. (45.1 x 50.2 cm). The Frick Collection, New York.

Book illustrations by Luis Serrano. Copyright Luis Serrano.

Coloring page artwork by Donald David.