Online Coloring Help

Coloring Pages 


Picking Colors

Select a color to start with by clicking on the color palette icon at left. Choose different colors using the slider on the color spectrum. Additionally, use the eyedropper tool to select any color on your screen, including from the thumbnail reference of the work of art. Note, the color picker works slightly differently per browser. 


With a color selected, click on the area you want to paint on the illustration. Click multiple areas with the same color selection or go back to the color palette to select another color. You can even click on the same section multiple times to change the color of that section.

Image Reference

On the right, there is a image icon. When clicked, it will expand a thumbnail reference of the work of art. Use the eyedropper tool from the color palette to select colors from this image reference if you would like to replicate the original. Click on the thumbnail again to minimize it. 

Printing and Saving

When done coloring, print or save your rendition by clicking on the print icon at the top right. You will have the option to print or to save the PDF. Again, this will vary from browser to browser.

Currently, a save-in-progress function is not available. As long as you leave the tab window up and do not close the browser or refresh the page, your progress should remain intact.

Browser Requirements

The online coloring page works best on Chrome versions 100+, Safari versions 13+, Edge versions 102+, and Firefox versions 100+ browsers. While this works on most mobile devices with the aforementioned browsers, it is best experienced on a desktop.

Comments or Questions

We look forward to hearing from you regarding your online coloring experience. If you have any questions about using the online coloring page, please send an email to