Exhibitions presented at The Frick Collection during 1942.

Past Exhibition: Rearrangement and New Acquisitions During World War II

Black and white photograph of the East Gallery of the Frick Collection in 1942 depicts war-time arrangement of collection.
Rearrangement and New Acquisitions During World War II
June 1, 1942 to May 31, 1945

During World War II, The Frick Collection underwent its first complete rearrangement since it was opened to the public in 1935. The removal of a number of works of art to a place of safety made possible an interesting and attractive rehanging of all the galleries. Many paintings were available for study in different settings. Pictures long off display were seen again. Drawings and prints by Rembrandt, Titian, Rubens, Dürer, Whistler, and others were placed on exhibition for the first time; as was a newly acquired painting by Monet and a set of watercolor drawings by William Blake.