Past Exhibition: Whistler in The Frick Collection

painting in greys, blues, and lavender of ocean with ships in the distance
Whistler in The Frick Collection
November 27, 1984 to February 4, 1985

In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the American artist James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834–1903), The Frick Collection exhibited all of its Whistler holdings. Whistler's The Ocean (left), three pastels of Venice, twelve etchings from his famous "Venice Set," a lithograph of Robert, Comte de Montesquiou-Fezensac, and two letters written to Montesquiou and R.A. Canfield were on view in the lower-level gallery. The four full-length portraits by Whistler of Miss Rosa Corder, Mrs. Frederick R.

Past Exhibition: Ingres and the Comtesse d’Haussonville

Woman standing in front of mantle and mirror wearing light blue satin dress with red ribbon in her hair.
Ingres and the Comtesse d’Haussonville
November 19, 1985 to February 16, 1986

The Frick Collection's first show built around a single work of art was a loan exhibition devoted to Ingres's celebrated portrait of the Comtesse d'Haussonville.  The exhibition documented the evolution of the portrait, from hesistant sketches to the brilliant final canvas, and the life and character of the subject, including Mme. d'Haussonville's memoirs and her will.