Past Exhibition: Vincent van Gogh, Flowering Garden

impressionistic painting of flower garden
Vincent van Gogh, Flowering Garden
January 10, 1992 to January 10, 1994

Vincent van Gogh's luminous landscape, Flowering Garden, executed by the artist at Arles in the summer of 1888, was placed on loan by a private foundation for a two-year period. Flowering Garden is a large vertical canvas depicting the flat expanse of a field of flowers, framed on the right by the wall of a farmhouse and trees, and at the high horizon by a line of low farm buildings with red-tiled roofs.

Past Exhibition: Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain

image of blue and white porcelain teapot with four legs.
Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain in The Frick Collection
October 15, 1992

In 1965 Childs Frick, son of Henry Clay Frick, left by bequest 220 pieces of Chinese blue-and-white porcelain that he and his wife had purchased over many years. They had chosen the pieces as birthday and Christmas presents and displayed them in thier home in Roslyn, Long Island. A selection later decorated the offices and upstairs staff rooms of the Collection. In the autumn of 1992, for the first time, a large number of pieces were placed on permanent display in the Reception Hall, in specially designed new cases.

Past Exhibition: Italian Art at the Close of the Quattrocento

Bronze sculpture of standing Hercules, naked except for animal skin draped across one shoulder
Italian Art at the Close of the Quattrocento: Pollaiuolo and Hercules
February 3, 1992 to March 29, 1992

A focused exhibition placing a Hercules attributed to Antonio del Pollaiuolo in the collection of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin side by side with the Frick's own bronze Hercules attributed to the same artist. Questions of the authorship and dating of both pieces were considered. The Collection also borrowed, for comparison with the bronzes, one painting and several prints and drawings, all by or closely related to Pollaioulo.