Exhibitions presented at The Frick Collection during 2018.

Past Exhibition

Oil painting of Virgin holding Christ child in between two standing and one kneeling figure
The Charterhouse of Bruges: Jan van Eyck, Petrus Christus, and Jan Vos
September 18, 2018 to January 13, 2019

For the first time in twenty-four years and only the second time in their history, two masterpieces of early Netherlandish painting commissioned by the Carthusian monk Jan Vos were reunited. These works, The Frick Collection’s Virgin and Child with St. Barbara, St. Elizabeth, and Jan Vos, commissioned from Jan van Eyck and The Virgin and Child with St. Barbara and Jan Vos, painted by Petrus Christus, were shown with a selection of objects that place them in the rich monastic context for which they were created. 

Past Exhibition

alabaster and glazed bronze sculpture of standing woman, with headdress of vines
Luigi Valadier: Splendor in Eighteenth-Century Rome
October 31, 2018 to January 20, 2019

Of the many artists who flourished in Rome during the eighteenth century, the silversmith Luigi Valadier (1726–1785) was particularly admired by popes, royalty, and aristocrats across Europe. Luigi Valadier: Splendor in Eighteenth-Century Rome, curated by Alvar González-Palacios, brought together more than sixty extraordinary works by the renowned silversmith in celebration of his unsurpassed technical expertise and avant-garde aesthetic.

Past Exhibition

plate decorated in blue, gold and white, with two cherubs at center
Masterpieces of French Faience: Selections from the Sidney R. Knafel Collection
October 10, 2018 to September 22, 2019

The exhibition in the Portico Gallery presented a promised gift to The Frick Collection: seventy-five objects from the collection of Sidney R. Knafel — the finest collection of French faience in private hands — to tell the fascinating and complex history of this particular art form.

Past Exhibition

white statue of George Washington
Canova's George Washington
May 23, 2018 to September 23, 2018

Canova’s George Washington examined the history of acclaimed sculptor Antonio Canova's lost masterpiece, a full-length statue of George Washington depicted in ancient Roman garb, drafting his farewell address to the states. The exhibition brings together Canova’s full-sized preparatory plaster model (which had never left Italy), four preparatory sketches for the sculpture, and related engravings and drawings, as well as Thomas Lawrence’s 1816 oil portrait of Canova, which, like the model and several sketches, was on loan from the Gypsotheca e Museo Antonio Canova in Possagno, Italy, the birthplace of the artist.

Past Exhibition

Elder kneeling man with lion behind him
Veronese in Murano: Two Venetian Renaissance Masterpieces Restored
October 24, 2017 to March 25, 2018

The Frick Collection presented Veronese in Murano: Two Venetian Renaissance Masterpieces Restored, a focused exhibition, organized by Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator Xavier F. Salomon, on two recently conserved and rarely seen paintings by the celebrated artist Paolo Veronese (1528–1588), St. Jerome in the Wilderness and St. Agatha Visited in Prison by St. Peter. While the paintings are known to scholars, their remote location in a church in Murano, an island in the lagoon of Venice, has made them difficult to study. The exhibition provided a unique opportunity for an international audience to discover these two masterpieces in New York.

Past Exhibition

Painted bust portrait by Murillo showing a man wearing black in a trompe l'oeil oval frame
Murillo: The Self-Portraits
November 1, 2017 to February 11, 2018

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo was one of the finest painters of the Spanish Golden Age; this exhibition brought together the only two known self-portraits by him, one in The Frick Collection, and one in the National Gallery, London, along with a small selection of additional works by the artist.

Past Exhibition

photo of Zurbaran paintings in Auckland Castle dining room
Zurbarán's Jacob and His Twelve Sons: Paintings from Auckland Castle
January 31, 2018 to April 22, 2018

In collaboration with the Meadows Museum, Dallas, and the Auckland Castle Trust, County Durham, England, The Frick Collection co-organized an exhibition of Jacob and His Twelve Sons, an ambitious series of thirteen life-size paintings that depict the Old Testament figures. On loan from Auckland Castle, the works by the Spanish Golden Age master Francisco de Zurbarán had never traveled to the United States before they were presented at the Meadows Museum in the fall of 2017.