Plate (tondino)

Earthenware plate with a large nude figure sitting in the center and soldiers in battle around the outside

Plate (tondino)
Nevers, ca. 1640
Attributed to the workshop of Antoine Conrade
Faience (tin-glazed earthenware)
Diam. 11 3/8 in. (29 cm)
Cat. 11
© Beylard, Ferrier and Lewandowski

Related to cat. 10


On this plate, the allegory of a river is depicted as a bearded man. Decorating the center of the other plate is a different allegory of a river with a naked woman leaning on an amphora from which water is flowing, and sitting opposite her, a naked man, possibly representing Earth. Both scenes are surrounded by colorful satyrs, winged figures, horses, and trophies, all painted on a white ground. Although the decoration of these plates derives from maiolica made in Urbino about 1560−80, it is treated here in the paler palette characteristic of French potters.

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