In line with other exhibitions devoted to lesser-known aspects of its holdings, The Frick Collection presented an exhibition organized around its marble portrait busts by Houdon: Comtesse du Cayla and Armand-Thomas Hue, Marquis de Miromesnil. Joining these two sculptures, both dated 1777, was another version of the Miromesnil bust, dated 1775, lent by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, as well as Denis Diderot (1773; The Metropolitan Museum of Art), Madame Pierre-François His (1775; E.V. Thaw and Co., New York), Jean le Rond d’Alembert (1779; Yale University Art Gallery), Thomas Jefferson (1789; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) and Portrait of an Unknown Girl (1791; Gerald Paget, New York).
Jean-Antoine Houdon, Comtesse du Cayla, 1777. The Frick Collection, New York