Living Hall

Past Exhibition: Holbein Miniatures

Miniature painting of bust portrait of Renaissance-era woman holding a book
Holbein Miniatures
January 30, 1979 to December 31, 1979

The Frick Collection offered the public a unique opportunity to view two miniatures by the German artist Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/98–1543) representing Margaret and William Roper, members of Sir Thomas More's family. The round watercolor miniatures on vellum were placed in the Living Hall beneath The Frick Collection's oil portrait of Sir Thomas More by Holbein. The miniatures were generously placed on long-term loan at The Frick Collection by The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Virtual Tour

Gilded vitrine containing white porcelain vessels and gold with the portrait of a lady in the background

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Living Hall

In this room, Thomas Hastings and Sir Charles Allom achieved a splendid setting for the remarkable works of art it still contains. Striking portraits by Holbein, El Greco, Titian, and a masterpiece by Bellini hang against oak-paneled walls to create the feeling of an Italian Renaissance room. In company with the paintings are pieces of French eighteenth century furniture, Italian Renaissance bronzes, and Chinese porcelains. The installation of paintings and furniture in the Living Hall appears today as it did in Mr. Frick’s lifetime.