Audio Help

Audio is available for 184 objects and counting. Objects with audio may be found under the Collections tab of the Art section.

screenshot of a collection of objects with audio available


All objects with Audio

Onsite at the Museum

When onsite at the museum, objects with audio may also be found by entering audio stop numbers in the search field of the Art section.

The Play Button

Select an object to listen to related audio. Audio is located directly under the image of the object. 


Select "Audio (1)" to display the audio player. Press the play button to listen.

screenshot of audio related to art object


screenshot of audio player



Select the audio icon to display the audio player. Press the play button to listen.

screenshot of audio icon called out on mobile device

Audio Available

If you want to view all of the objects that have related audio, you may also select the tag "Audio Available".

All objects with Audio

screenshot of audio tag on art object page


Audio transcripts are located directly under the audio player.

screenshot of text called out on art object web page