Interlibrary loan and document delivery services are free and available to researchers registered with the Frick Art Research Library.
Registered researchers must create a separate interlibrary loan and document delivery account through the services portal(link is external) of the Library, using their library card barcode number or temporary barcode number.
Researchers can have up to ten active requests at a time.
Turnaround time cannot be guaranteed due to service demands.
Interlibrary Loan
Researchers registered with the Frick Art Research Library can place requests for items that are held by other libraries. Loaned items may be consulted in the Library’s reading room, or page scans from items can be delivered digitally.
Due dates for items consulted in the reading room are set by the lending library. If more time is needed with items beyond their due dates, researchers can email Loan extensions are granted at the discretion of the lending library.
When placing scan requests, researchers must include the relevant citation (e.g. page range, lot number, and/or chapter title) in the request form.
Scan requests may be fulfilled as physical loans to be examined in the reading room, at the discretion of the institutions fulfilling the requests based on their policies and copyright law.
Researchers are notified by email when requests are available for consultation in the reading room, or when scans are available through a link and password provided by email.
Not all items are available through interlibrary loan.
Borrowing Libraries
Borrowing requests can be placed through OCLC WorldShare (symbol FXM) or by emailing
All physical loans provided by the Frick Art Research Library are for supervised in-library use only.
Document Delivery
Registered researchers can request scans of up to twenty pages or one full chapter from print items in the collections of the Frick Art Research Library. Photoarchive items cannot be requested.
When placing requests, researchers must include the relevant citation (e.g. page range, lot number, and/or chapter title) in the request form.
Requests are scanned and delivered as searchable PDF documents.
A link and password are provided to researchers to access their requests when they are available.
Effective date: April 15, 2024