Fellowship Program to Continue Permanently in Honor of Anne L. Poulet with an Endowment Grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

photo of Anne Poulet


For the last decade, a flourishing fellowship program at The Frick Collection has offered unparalleled curatorial training for doctoral students. Unique in the United States and considered a model initiative by many institutions, the program has also contributed vitally to the intellectual life and offerings of the Frick by supporting the fresh research, lectures and talks, and critically acclaimed exhibitions and publications produced by its participants. The predoctoral fellowship was established in 2002 with a generous fiveyear grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that was renewed in 2007. The success of this core program inspired The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to award the Frick a $2,000,000 challenge grant in support of an endowment to ensure its permanence.The Frick’s Board of Trustees has responded by contributing matching funds in recognition ofretiring Director Anne L. Poulet, after whom the program will be named beginning in 2012. Comments Poulet, “The Andrew W. Mellon Curatorial Fellowship Program has proved to be one the Frick’s most successful and important efforts of the last decade, contributing significantly to the institution while also fostering for the museum and academic communities at large a promising new generation of art historians and colleagues. We could not be more pleased with the caliber of our Fellows and are reassured by the knowledge that this initiative will continue permanently. I am touched by the Board’s decision to name the endowed Fellowship in my honor and am deeply grateful to The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for their support of the fellowship since 2002 and for their recent grant which ensures the program’s continuation.” 

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