Visitors may now enjoy one of The Frick Collection’s most remarkable and signature galleries, the Fragonard Room, which has undergone its first major relighting and refurbishment in sixty years. This initiative required the temporary closure of the room in June, during which time the principal panels of his masterpiece series The Progress of Love were placed on view in the East Gallery. The panels were recently reinstalled in the gallery bearing the artist’s name, which reopened on Tuesday, October 23, 2007. The paintings are on display with important decorative art objects from the collection, all of which will benefit greatly from the new system of illumination. Among them is the recently purchased Lepaute clock featuring a sculpture by Clodion as well as a rare tinted plaster study of Diana the Huntress by Jean-Antoine Houdon (1741–1828), a generous gift from Frederick R. Koch. The latter acquisition made in 2006 had not yet been placed on public view at the Frick and makes its debut on this occasion. The relighting and refurbishment project, an important capital improvement, was made possible through the generosity of the members of the Director’s Circle and an anonymous donor.