Xavier F. Salomon has been appointed to the position of Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator of The Frick Collection, taking up the post in January of 2014. Dr. Salomon―who has organized exhibitions and published most particularly in the areas of Italian and Spanish art of the sixteenth through eighteenth century―comes to The Frick Collection from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, where he is a curator of in the Department of European Paintings. Previously, he was the Arturo and Holly Melosi Chief Curator of Dulwich Picture Gallery, London. Salomon’s two overall fields of expertise are the painter Paolo Veronese (1528–1588) and the collecting and patronage of cardinals in Rome during the early seventeenth century. Born in Rome, and raised in Italy and the United Kingdom, Salomon received his Ph.D. from the Courtauld Institute of Art, University of London. A widely published author, essayist, and reviewer, Salomon sits on the Consultative Committee of The Burlington Magazine and is a member of the International Scientific Committee of Storia dell’Arte.
Xavier F. Salomon Appointed Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator of The Frick Collection
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