The Frick Collection Catalogue: Drawings, Prints, and Later Acquisitions (Vol. 9)

cover of illustrated catalogue about Frick Collection acquistions, volume ix, depicting landscape

Title: The Frick Collection Catalogue: Drawings, Prints, and Later Acquisitions (Vol. 9)

Authors: David P. Becker, Charissa Bremer David, Bernice F. Davidson, Susan Grace Galassi, Margaret Iacono, Wolfram Koeppe, Holger Möhlmann, Edgar Munhall, John Pope-Hennessy, Orlando Rock, Sophie Schlöndorff, and Ashley Thomas

Edited by Joseph Focarino

Publisher: Princeton University Press (2003)

Details: Hardcover, 8 1/4 x 10 1/2 in., 512 pages, illustrated (some color)

ISBN: 691038368

2003 Frick Publications Collection Catalogue