Acquisitions Fund

woman with chin resting in her hand, wearing blue silk gown in front of mantleThe Frick Collection’s Acquisitions Fund helps the museum continue to purchase objects that enhance and complement its holdings for the enjoyment of the public. Acquisitions have a long history at the Frick. The permanent collection has grown by nearly half since Mr. Frick’s death through donations of art from private collections and select purchases including well-known and cherished works such as Ingres’s Comtesse d’Haussonville, Memling’s Portrait of a Man, Antico’s Hercules, Constable’s White Horse, and Houdon’s Diana the Huntress.

Please support the Frick’s longstanding commitment to acquiring exceptional works of art by making a gift to the Acquisitions Fund today.

Make a Gift


To Contribute by Mail

Make your check payable to The Frick Collection, and mail it to the following address:

Acquisitions Fund
The Frick Collection
1 East 70th Street
New York, NY  10021

Thank you for your generosity and support of The Frick Collection.