Giambattista Tiepolo

William Barcham: "Tiepolo's Milanese Frescoes"

William Barcham giving lecture at The Frick Collection

William Barcham, Professor Emeritus, Fashion Institute of Technology

Born in 1696, Giambattista Tiepolo was arguably, by the mid-eighteenth century, Europe’s greatest artist. His proving ground as a painter of international renown took place not in his native Venice, but in Milan, then part of the Habsburg Empire. This lecture looks at three grand fresco cycles executed by Tiepolo between 1730 and 1740 for noble Milanese families serving the Austrian throne, as well as his frescoed chapel in the church of St. Ambrose, dedicated to the patron saint of Milan.

Xavier F. Salomon: "The Lost Frescoes of Palazzo Archinto”

video still of Xavier Salomon lecturing
The frescoed ceilings commissioned by Count Carlo Archinto for his palace in Milan were among the masterpieces of Giambattista Tiepolo’s early career and are the subject of the current special exhibition. This lecture examines the history of the frescoes within the broader context of the Archinto family and their palace.

Tiepolo in Milan: The Lost Frescoes of Palazzo Archinto

video still of slide of painting of flying horse and figures in clouds, with title that reads Tiepolo in Milan:The Lost Frescoes of Palazzo Archinto
Xavier F. Salomon, Chief Curator at The Frick Collection, provides an introduction to the exhibition Tiepolo in Milan: The Lost Frescoes of Palazzo Archinto, on view at The Frick Collection from April 16, 2019, through July 14, 2019.