Garden Court

Garden Court

indoor garden showing fountain and pool surrounded by plants and flowers

The Garden Court, at the heart of the museum, was designed by John Russell Pope for the museum's opening in 1935 to replace the open carriage court of the original Frick residence. The Court's paired Ionic columns and symmetrical planting beds were echoed in Pope's later designs for the original building of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

Virtual Tour of the Garden Court

360° Video of the Garden Court

Take a moment to reflect in the Frick’s Garden Court. This immersive video allows you to enter the leafy sanctuary designed by John Russell Pope for the museum’s opening in 1935. Listen to the burbling fountain or rotate to see Antonio Canova’s Modello for George Washington (1818) in the Oval Room.

Shot during the exhibition Canova’s George Washington, on view from May 23 to September 23, 2018.