
Past Exhibition: 17th-Century Chinese Porcelains

Detail of Chinese porcelain piece depicting four figures and a tree.
17th-Century Chinese Porcelains from the Butler Family Collection
June 26, 1990 to August 19, 1990

A major exhibition of 142 pieces, ranging from bowls to wine pots, dishes, jars, vases, and a figurine, the exhibition provided a survey of some of the finest porcelain produced in China during the so-called Transitional Period between 1620 and 1683. The pieces in the exhibition were selected from over 600 objects collected over several decades by retired British diplomat Sir Michael Butler.

Past Exhibition: Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain

image of blue and white porcelain teapot with four legs.
Chinese Blue-and-White Porcelain in The Frick Collection
October 15, 1992

In 1965 Childs Frick, son of Henry Clay Frick, left by bequest 220 pieces of Chinese blue-and-white porcelain that he and his wife had purchased over many years. They had chosen the pieces as birthday and Christmas presents and displayed them in thier home in Roslyn, Long Island. A selection later decorated the offices and upstairs staff rooms of the Collection. In the autumn of 1992, for the first time, a large number of pieces were placed on permanent display in the Reception Hall, in specially designed new cases.

Elective Affinities: Edmund de Waal at The Frick Collection

Link to video of Edmund de Waal discussing his installation at The Frick Collection
Acclaimed author and ceramist Edmund de Waal discusses the inspiration and technical process leading up to his exhibition of sculptures installed throughout The Frick Collection. Site-specific works made of porcelain, steel, gold, marble, and glass are displayed in the museum's main galleries alongside works from the permanent collection. On view from May 30, 2019 through November 17, 2019.