Sally Brazil

One Hundred Years at the Library: A Dedicated Staff

In commemoration of the one-hundredth anniversary of the Frick Art Reference Library, Sally Brazil, Barbara G. Fleischman Associate Chief Librarian for Archives and Records Management, looks back on the lifeblood of the library through the decades—its incredible staff. Discover photographs, scrapbooks, drawings, and archival materials documenting the contributions of generations of knowledgeable staff members, who have guided the library’s mission and growth over the past century. Objects featured in the post are part of the celebratory publication One Hundred Objects in the Frick Art Reference Library, available for purchase in the Museum Shop.

One Hundred Years at the Library: Treasures from the Frick Archives

video still of Sally Brazil looking at book next to a table clock

Take a dive into the Frick Archives! Sally Brazil, Barbara G. Fleischman Associate Chief Librarian for Archives and Records Management, takes us on a tour of three decorative arts–related collections housed in the Frick Art Reference Library: the research archive of Winthrop Kellogg Edey, a noted collector of clocks and watches; the inventory of the Italian silversmith Luigi Valadier; and the archive of Bernard and Lydia Starr, central figures in the collecting of Wedgwood ceramics.