
Jeongho Park: "Vincenzo Anastagi, El Greco, and Henry Clay Frick"

Link to video of Jeongho Park lecture
El Greco’s Vincenzo Anastagi  is one of three portraits from the painter’s formative Italian period. Jeongho Park explores the significance of this important work in the context of El Greco’s career and the implications of Henry Clay Frick's aquisition of this painting for his art collection. 
Jeongho Park is the Curatorial Research Associate at the Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, Austin, and former Anne L. Poulet Fellow at The Frick Collection. 

Michael Ann Holly: "Painted Presence" Samuel H. Kress Lecture

Link to video of Michael Ann Holly lecture

Much of art history and art education has been devoted to discovering meaning in historical works of art. Holly discusses an alternative critical path, wherein scholars need not always talk about what an artwork represents as much as what it presents. Works of art are about something far more magical, mysterious, and poetic than the transmittal of subject matter. The presence of an historical work of art in our contemporary visual world momentarily shifts the magnetic poles of what is seen and known. This is the sixth annual Samuel H.

Aimee Ng: "A Portrait and Its Mysteries: Parmigianino's Schiava Turca"

Link to Aimee Ng lecture about Parmigianino

Parmigianino's exquisite Schiava Turca (Turkish slave) is shrouded in mystery. Who is this woman whose elaborate, almost theatrical, costume inspired an early eighteenth-century writer to give the Renaissance beauty her fantastical name? In this lecture, the guest curator of the special exhibition The Poetry of Parmigianino's "Schiava Turca"  presents a new interpretation of the work.