When Michelangelo Was Modern: The Art Market and Collecting in Italy 1450–1650

Franco Mormando: "Bernini's Painting Collection"

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April 13, 2019. Franco Mormando presents his lecture "'Bernini's Painting Collection" as part of the two-day symposium 'When Michelangelo Was Modern: The Art Market and Collecting in Italy, 1450–1650' organized by the Center for the History of Collecting, Frick Art Reference Library.

Welcoming Remarks, Ian Wardropper and Louisa Wood Ruby

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April 12, 2019. Ian Wardropper and Louisa Wood Ruby present opening remarks for the two-day symposium 'When Michelangelo Was Modern: The Art Market and Collecting in Italy, 1450–1650' presented at The Frick Collection by the Center for the History of Collecting, Frick Art Reference Library.

Frederick Ilchman: "Birth in Venice: Early Art Collecting in the 'Serenissima'"

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April 13, 2019. Frederick Ilchman presents his lecture "'Birth in Venice: Early Art Collecting in the 'Serenissima'" as part of the two-day symposium 'When Michelangelo Was Modern: The Art Market and Collecting in Italy, 1450–1650' organized by the Center for the History of Collecting, Frick Art Reference Library.
