Joanna Sheers

Past Exhibition: Whistler in The Frick Collection

color photograph of oval gallery with grey walls, wooden pillars, polished floor, and skylight
Portraits, Pastels, Prints: Whistler in The Frick Collection
June 2, 2009 to August 23, 2009

Between 1914 and 1919, Henry Clay Frick acquired twenty works by James McNeill Whistler: five paintings, three pastels, and twelve prints, a remarkable ensemble that represents the breadth of Whistler’s artistic activity and testifies to Frick’s taste as a collector.

Joanna Sheers: "Symphony in Flesh Colour and Pink"

Link to video of Joanna Sheers discussing Whistler’s 'Symphony in Flesh Colour and Pink, Portrait of Mrs. Frances Leyland'

Joanna Sheers discusses Whistler’s "Symphony in Flesh Colour and Pink, Portrait of Mrs. Frances Leyland" from the exhibition Portraits, Pastels, Prints: Whistler in The Frick Collection, June 2 through August 23, 2009.