Children under 10 are not admitted.
About Your Timed Ticket
- You may not enter before your scheduled time slot.
- Admission is not guaranteed for arrivals more than 15 minutes after your scheduled time slot.
- Tickets are non-transferable.
- The price of your ticket can be applied toward the purchase of a Frick Membership for up to one month from the date of your visit.
All requests to rebook tickets must be received at least one day in advance of your reservation. Please email or call 212-288-0700.
Security Procedures
We strive for all visitors, program attendees, guests, and staff at The Frick Collection to be safe and free from statements and behavior deemed to be abusive, discriminatory, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate. We reserve the right to remove anyone who violates this policy.
Bag Inspection
Upon entering, a security officer will conduct a hand inspection of all bags, briefcases, purses, packages, containers, and personal mobility devices, including manual and electric wheelchairs, motorized mobility scooters, and walkers. We do not allow any liquids or bottles in the galleries (unless medically necessary).
We strictly prohibit firearms or weapons of any kind. We also prohibit objects including knives, scissors, tools, spray paint, and any other item the Frick deems to be a concern.
- Last tickets are sold an hour before closure.
Coat Check Policies
- The Frick Collection is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
- Oversized items are not permitted in the galleries and must be checked. (This includes camera extension poles.)
- Luggage of any size or type cannot be accepted.
- Other items may be refused at the discretion of staff.
Restrooms are located on Floors SC1, C, and 2, and in the Frick Art Research Library Entrance Hall on Floor 1. The Frick offers accessible, single-occupancy, gender-neutral restrooms in various locations throughout its buildings. Under New York City law, all visitors are welcome to use the restroom that most closely aligns with their gender identity.
In the Galleries
The following are not permitted in the galleries:
- Touching the paintings, sculpture, furniture, and other objects on display
- Eating and drinking, including use of water bottles (unless medically necessary)
- Speaking on a cell phone or using a radio or other music device
- Lecturing
- Sitting on the floor or on cordoned-off furniture
- Smoking (including use of e-cigarettes)
- Your presence at The Frick Collection acknowledges that you have been informed of the potential to be photographed or filmed, and that you grant permission for your likeness to be published.
Sketching in the Galleries
- All visitors are permitted to sketch in the galleries on paper that does not exceed 12 x 18 inches and with charcoal or lead pencils only.
- The use of pens, colored pencils, oil paints, easels, and watercolors is not allowed.
- Individuals sketching in the galleries may not interfere with the flow of visitors through the galleries and are subject to further direction from Security staff, as necessary.
Check out our upcoming programs.
Photography Policies
In order to protect the works of art, visitors are required to comply with the following rules regarding photography:
- Still photography without flash for personal use by means of phones, hand-held cameras, and tablet devices is permitted only in the Entrance Hall, Reception Hall, Elizabeth M. and Jean-Marie R. Eveillard Hall, and the Museum Shop and café and may not include objects there that are explicitly prohibited by notice.
- Camera extension poles, videography, and use of a tripod are not permitted at any time. When taking photographs, please be courteous to other museum visitors by not blocking their view or impeding their movement.
- Use of such photography for commercial purposes is not allowed. For questions regarding rights and reproduction, please contact
The museum reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold and/or withdraw permission to photograph on its premises or to reproduce photographs of objects in its collection.