prokop's blog

175,000 New Photoarchive Records Available Digitally

In February 2021, the Frick Art Reference Library announced the completion of a massive, three-year project to digitize the library’s historic Photoarchive collection. Funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this initiative has made records and images for more than 175,000 works of art available in the Frick Digital Collections, NYARC Discovery, and the library’s online catalog.

Library Debuts Interactive Map of 20th-Century Frick Photo Expeditions

To enhance the discoverability of Photoarchive materials, the library launched a collaboration with the Center for Advanced Research of Spatial Information at Hunter College, City University of New York in 2014 to develop an interactive digital map that traces the movement of library staff and photographers as they traveled across the United States and recorded paintings and sculptures in private homes and little-known public collections.

"Technological Revolutions and Art History": Four-Part Symposium Weighs Urgent Questions in the Field

Co-sponsored by the Museum of Modern Art and the Frick Art Reference Library, this upcoming four-part symposium examines the connections between science, technology, and art history. Read more for a preview of the important topics under consideration, including what technological advances might benefit the study of art in the near future.

One Portrait, Two Identifications

Among the many images reproduced in the collection of the Frick Art Reference Library's Photoarchive is a stunning likeness of a vivacious young woman in a feathered hat. Thanks to the Library's photographic campaigns, the true identity of the sitter as well as the correct attribution of the portrait are part of the art-historical record.

Datasets of the Dutch Golden Age

Since its founding in 2014, the Digital Art History Lab (DAHL) has served the public with workshops and symposia to introduce the possibilities that the digital world holds for art historians. During these events, DAHL staff have encountered a wealth of enthusiasm but a lack of workable art datasets. Thus, we are excited to announce the release of two datasets, the Montias database and a Vermeer dataset on GitHub, an online repository and hosting service built for collaboration.
