Manuel Frockas

black chalk drawing of man looking left with beard, wearing large stiff collar

Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641)
Manuel Frockas, 1631–32 (?)
Black chalk
9 5/8 × 7 7/8 in.
The Duke of Devonshire and the Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement, Chatsworth, Derbyshire

Van Dyck’s Iconographie series of prints includes three Spanish generals whose military careers brought them to Flanders, among them, Manuel Frockas, Count of Feria. Simplicity of composition and relatively cursory execution distinguish these generals’ portrait drawings, likely all made from life in 1631–32. While the drawings appear to depict the sitters in civilian dress, the later oil sketches and engravings show them in full armor, each holding a commander’s baton. Like the hands that enliven the compositions, these features were probably all added from memory or invented by the artist.

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