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Van Dyck paintings in East Gallery

Guest Curator Adam Eaker's blog post, "Van Dyck Portraits Return to the Galleries"
October 29, 2015

Van Dyck's oil painting of Cardinal Bentivoglio seated in red and white robes

Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator Xavier F. Salomon's blog post: “Van Dyck's Portrait of Cardinal Bentivoglio” 
February 9, 2016

two male curators standing in front of paintings in the Oval Gallery

On March 9, exhibition curators Stijn Alsteens and Adam Eaker joined Leonard Lopate on his highly regarded WNYC radio program for a lively conversation about Anthony van Dyck. Listen on WNYC.

photo of Xavier Salomon talking with Philippe de Montebello in chairs in gallery

NYC-ARTS Profile: Andrea del Sarto at The Frick Collection. Philippe de Montebello talks to Xavier Salomon, Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator at The Frick Collection, about Andrea del Sarto: The Renaissance Workshop in Action (aired on November 5, 2015).


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