Inge Reist

Welcome, Day Two, Inge Reist

Link to video of Inge Reist giving welcoming remarks for symposium

Inge Reist, Director, Center for the History of Collecting, Frick Art Reference Library, presents welcoming remarks on Saturday, May 20, 2017 as part of the two-day symposium Sculpture Collecting and Display, 1600–2000 presented by the Center for the History of Collecting at The Frick Collection on Friday and Saturday, May 19–20, 2017. 

Welcome and Opening Remarks, Ian Wardropper and Inge Reist

Link to video of Ian Wardropper and Inge Reist, Opening Remarks

Welcome and opening remarks from Ian Wardropper, Director, The Frick Collection, and Inge Reist, Director, Center for the History of Collecting, Frick Art Reference Library. This video introduces a series of lectures from the symposium Sculpture Collecting and Display, 1600–2000 presented by the Center for the History of Collecting at The Frick Collection on Friday and Saturday, May 19–20, 2017.

Welcome and Opening Remarks, Ian Wardropper and Inge Reist

Link to video of Ian Wardropper and Inge Reist welcoming remarks

Welcome and opening remarks from Ian Wardropper, Director, The Frick Collection, and Inge Reist, Director, Center for the History of Collecting, Frick Art Reference Library. This video introduces a series of lectures from the symposium Made in the USA: Collecting American Art during the Long Nineteenth Century presented by the Center for the History of Collecting at The Frick Collection on Friday and Saturday, March 3–4, 2017.

Welcome and Opening Remarks, Inge Reist

Link to video of Inge Reist giving welcoming remarks for symposium

Inge Reist, Director, Center for the History of Collecting, Frick Art Reference Library, delivers welcoming remarks on Saturday, May 14, 2016 for the second day of the symposium 'America and the Art of Flanders: Collecting Paintings by Rubens, Van Dyck, and Their Circles' presented by the Center for the History of Collecting at The Frick Collection on Friday and Saturday, May 13-14, 2016.
