The Frick Collection presents Full Circle: The Medal in Art History, A Symposium in Honor of Stephen K. Scher
Full Circle: The Medal in Art History

Cocktails with a Curator: Bertoldo's "Pazzi Conspiracy" Medal
In this week’s episode of Cocktails with a Curator, join Deputy Director and Peter Jay Sharp Chief Curator Xavier F. Salomon as he discusses the Pazzi Conspiracy, an attack on Lorenzo de' Medici and his brother, Giuliano, in the cathedral of Florence on April 26, 1478. This important event in Florentine history was commemorated in a convention-busting medal by Bertoldo di Giovanni, a “familiare” (favorite) of the Medici household. This week’s complementary cocktail is the Cardinale, so named because its dark red color evokes a cardinal’s vestments.
Stephen K. Scher: "An Insatiable Desire for all Things Antique: Isabella d'Este as Patron and Collector"
April 12, 2019. Stephen K. Scher presents his lecture "'An Insatiable Desire for all Things Antique: Isabella d'Este as Patron and Collector" as part of the two-day symposium 'When Michelangelo Was Modern: The Art Market and Collecting in Italy, 1450–1650' organized by the Center for the History of Collecting, Frick Art Reference Library.
Xavier F. Salomon and Dr. Stephen K. Scher: Closing Remarks
Xavier F. Salomon, Chief Curator at The Frick Collection and Stephen K. Scher, Collector and Art Historian present their closing remarks for the symposium Full Circle: The Medal in Art History, presented by The Frick Collection in honor of Stephen K. Scher on Friday, September 8, 2017.
Emerson Bowyer: "History in Relief"
Emerson Bowyer, Searle Associate Curator of European Painting and Sculpture at the Art Institute of Chicago presents his lecture History in Relief. This video is one of a series of lectures from the symposium Full Circle: The Medal in Art History, presented by The Frick Collection in honor of Stephen K. Scher on Friday, September 8, 2017.
Hannah Williams: "Portrayal and Commemoration: Medal Engravers at the French Academy of Painting and Sculpture"
Hannah Williams, Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow at the Queen Mary University of London presents her lecture Portrayal and Commemoration: Medal Engravers at the French Academy of Painting and Sculpture. This video is one of a series of lectures from the symposium Full Circle: The Medal in Art History, presented by The Frick Collection in honor of Stephen K. Scher on Friday, September 8, 2017.
Martin Hirsch: "Papal Medals and the Interplay of Prints, Paintings, and Numismatics"
Martin Hirsch, Curator at the Staatliche Münzsammlung, Munich presents his lecture Papal Medals and the Interplay of Prints, Paintings, and Numismatics. This video is one of a series of lectures from the symposium Full Circle: The Medal in Art History, presented by The Frick Collection in honor of Stephen K. Scher on Friday, September 8, 2017.
Jeffrey Collins: "Egentium Votis: Francesco Riccardi, Giovacchino Fortini, and the Art of Self-Promotion”
Jeffrey Collins, Professor at the Bard Graduate Center presents his lecture Egentium Votis: Francesco Riccardi, Giovacchino Fortini, and the Art of Self-Promotion. This video is one of a series of lectures from the symposium Full Circle: The Medal in Art History, presented by The Frick Collection in honor of Stephen K. Scher on Friday, September 8, 2017.