Michelle McCarthy-Behler

Reading List: Disability Pride Month

In celebration of Disability Pride Month, Michelle McCarthy-Behler, Reference Lead at the Frick Art Reference Library, presents a recommended reading list of monographs and exhibition catalogs that highlight people with disabilities throughout art history.

Reading List: Art and World War II

In commemoration of the seventy-seventh anniversary of the Allied victory in World War II, Michelle McCarthy-Behler, Reference Lead, offers ten titles from the Frick Art Reference Library exploring art during and after the Second World War—from paintings on the front lines to art used as propaganda, the Monuments Men, and later restitution efforts.

Reading List: Pride Month 2021

Happy Pride Month from the Frick Art Reference Library! Celebrate by discovering a selection of recommended reads (both hardcover titles and freely accessible e-books) that spotlight LGBTQ+ art, artists, and history.

Reading List: Black History Month 2021

The Frick Art Reference Library offers its first Reading List in celebration of Black History Month. Explore eight free e-book titles dedicated to the life, work, and legacy of Black American artists.

Introduction to Web Archives

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The practice of web archiving offers a means of preserving and providing access to ephemeral web-based art resources in support of art historical scholarship.

Provenance Stories

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This webinar highlights the narrative histories of three provenance case studies connected with the Library.

Exploring Open Access Image Resources

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As research and learning switch to online, art history professionals, educators, and students rely more heavily on open-access resources. In this webinar, users will gain an understanding of open-access image repositories available to them for research. How to incorporate found images into e-learning will also be discussed.

Presented by Michelle McCarthy-Behler, Assistant Librarian for Public Services, Frick Art Reference Library of The Frick Collection

WWII-Era Provenance Research

still of webinar, entitled World War II-Era, Provenance Research

Michelle McCarthy-Behler, Reference Lead, provides an introduction to WWII-era provenance research. The webinar includes a historical overview of Nazi-era confiscation activities and common challenges faced in researching artwork of this period. Michelle explores publicly accessible multinational and country-specific web resources and discusses effective research strategies.