
Van Dyck's Portrait of Cardinal Bentivoglio

Van Dyck’s portrait of Cardinal Bentivoglio has left Italy, traveling to the U.S. for the first time, where it is on view at the Frick in the Van Dyck: The Anatomy of Portraiture (March 2 through June 5, 2016). This great work is discussed by Xavier F. Salomon, who considers it among the most important loans to the exhibition (and his favorite work in the show).

Henry Clay Frick’s Limoges Enamels

In 1916, Henry Clay Frick converted his private office at his home on Fifth Avenue into a gallery for the collection of Limoges enamels that he had purchased from the estate of J. Pierpont Morgan for the then-staggering sum of $1,157,500. What was so compelling about these delicate, jewel-like objects that Frick paid such a high price and was willing to sacrifice his sanctuary for their display?
