The Frick Collection
The West Gallery of The Frick Collection
Special Exhibition

Watteau to Degas: French Drawings from the Frits Lugt Collection
October 6, 2009, through January 10, 2010

Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863)  Near Gibraltar  1832

Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863)
Near Gibraltar
Pastel and black chalk

In this tranquil work, subtle gradations of blue unite land, water, and sky. The deftness of the artist’s hand is felt in the variety of strokes and tones of the pastel crayon. Delacroix made this drawing aboard ship while traveling to North Africa as part of a diplomatic mission. Pastel was the ideal medium for capturing en route transitory scenes of the rugged Spanish coastline, or to pass the time when becalmed, as he was here, near Gibraltar.