Ian Wardropper

Henry Clay Frick’s Limoges Enamels

In 1916, Henry Clay Frick converted his private office at his home on Fifth Avenue into a gallery for the collection of Limoges enamels that he had purchased from the estate of J. Pierpont Morgan for the then-staggering sum of $1,157,500. What was so compelling about these delicate, jewel-like objects that Frick paid such a high price and was willing to sacrifice his sanctuary for their display?

Upgrading the Skylights at the Frick’s Historic Home

video still of exterior skylight in New York City
We invite you to take a peek into The Frick Collection’s renovation and enhancement project with Ian Wardropper, Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Director. After six months of work, the skylights and laylights over the grand West Gallery have been replaced, part of the efforts to significantly upgrade the lighting in key spaces at our East 70th Street home. New energy-efficient systems combine natural and artificial light to safeguard our collections and historic buildings and to enable visitors to continue enjoying art at the Frick for generations.

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Link to video

Collecting the Uncollectible: Earth and Site-Specific Sculpture was a symposium presented by The Frick Art Reference Library's Center for the History of Collecting on May 23, 2019 at The Frick Collection, New York.

The symposium was made possible through the generous support of the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation and Northern Trust.

Welcoming Remarks, Ian Wardropper and Louisa Wood Ruby

link to video

April 12, 2019. Ian Wardropper and Louisa Wood Ruby present opening remarks for the two-day symposium 'When Michelangelo Was Modern: The Art Market and Collecting in Italy, 1450–1650' presented at The Frick Collection by the Center for the History of Collecting, Frick Art Reference Library.

Welcome and Opening Remarks: Ian Wardropper, Robert Wellington, and Aimee Ng

Link to video of Ian Wardropper, Robert Wellington, and Aimee Ng

Welcome and opening remarks from Ian Wardropper, Director of The Frick Collection; Robert Wellington, Lecturer at the Australian National University; and Aimee Ng, Associate Curator at The Frick Collection. This video introduces a series of lectures from the symposium Full Circle: The Medal in Art History, presented by The Frick Collection in honor of Stephen K. Scher on Friday, September 8, 2017.

James Fenton in conversation with Ian Wardropper

Link to video of James Fenton and Ian Wardropper converstation

James Fenton in conversation with Ian Wardropper, Collecting Sculpture for Private and Public Collections during the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Centuries on Saturday, May 20, 2017. This lecture is part of the symposium Sculpture Collecting and Display, 1600–2000 presented by the Center for the History of Collecting at The Frick Collection on Friday and Saturday, May 19–20, 2017. 
